Is faster = better?
My own experience
Practicing the language outside the classroom walls
By Zarela Cruz
When someone decides to study a new language, the first question that
comes to mind is: How frequent should my classes be? Once a week? Twice a week?
Every other day? Every day? And the next question popping out is: How long
should my classes last? 3 hours? 2½ hours? 1½ hours?
When I interview a new student seeking registration, I usually ask them:
What do you need English for? How long are you planning to dedicate to
your studies? Do you have a job? Are you a university student? Many times,
prospective students want to do it all: e.g. work, attend classes within a
master’s program, go to the gym and, the cherry on the cake, take English
Not only the regular study
hours should be considered, but also the time you have to dedicate to prepare
your classes, assignments, review grammar points, not to mention the practice
of the language outside the classroom. Another aspect that should not be
neglected is the schedule: If you are an adult, probably very early or late
classes will be the best choice for you. Most of the students in those time
slots are working people or university students. It is also important to feel
comfortable with your classmates. Teenagers grasp the language faster and some
adults will feel discouraged if they cannot go at the same pace. Some students prefer
to make groups with their coworkers so they can be in the same class, which is
a usually pleasant, but consider that the exchange of information from
different backgrounds is useful as well, since it contributes variety in the
So, when students ask
themselves about the best frequency for them to learn the language, they have
to keep in mind a number of aspects such as: commuting time, schedule,
activities before / after their classes and study time and, most importantly,
their own driving force for studying the language. Inner motivation is a factor
we should not neglect; therefore, all the above aspects are relevant.
My own experience
To me, frequency is not the
only aspect to prioritize but dedication as well. I taught once a week courses
for about 3 years. They consisted of a 3-hour session every Saturday.
Students came to class relaxed and they knew in advance they would share a
space of knowledge and practice with students from different academic
backgrounds. It worked really well. I remember particularly a student from
Ayacucho, who came from her hometown every Friday night. Classes started at 8
am and, needless to say, she was the most dedicated student ever and an
inspiration to the others.
I also took part in the
launching of a Saturday program, with a weekly session of about 7 hours. I
recall we started at 12 p.m., had a 30-minute break for lunch, another break in
the mid-afternoon and soon afterwards the lesson was over! The program
was a success because it included the development of the four language skills.
There were students from Chincha, Cañete and nearby provinces. The long trip
was ideal for people who wanted to sleep a bit after a hard working week.
When I taught 1 ½-hour or
2-hour daily sessions, it also went well, since those students were eager to
practice on a daily basis and were very enthusiastic in class.
Currently, I teach in a
program that offers 3-hour daily sessions. It is not an easy task, since you
need to use different strategies to keep the students’ attention, plan your
class carefully with a variety of activities, and bring back the topic the
following day to reinforce contents. It shouldn’t be forgotten that, according
to cognitive theories, repetition is a key factor when learning.
Practicing the language outside the classroom walls
Last, but
not least in importance, in former articles I have pointed out the transcendence of practicing the language outside the classroom walls and including it
into their daily lives. For instance, when using Whatsapp, Facebook,
or while talking on the phone, I always encourage my students to use
technology. For example, intend to form a Whatsapp group and keep in touch
using English. To my surprise, very few consider it as a means to practice the
language. They are so keen on using it to chat about personal issues that they
forget this can be an interesting learning tool. Learners should live and
experience the language: listen to music in English, watch films with or
without the captions in English, read books and newspapers, watch their
favourite TV programs or the news. Each one of these is a valid technique when
it comes to practice and/or reinforce what they have learned in class.
And now, it is YOUR turn:
What kind of courses do you prefer to teach?
Daily? Weekly?
Twice or three times a week?
What about your students' response?
Share your experience with us and let us know!
Further information
How many hours does it take to be fluent in English?
How long does it take to learn English?
The first 20 hours: How to learn anything
Zarela Cruz graduated from Ricardo Palma University as a translator. She
also finished her master’s studies in Linguistics and took some specialization
diplomas in English and Spanish: Higher
Education, Virtual Courses Design, and Spanish for Foreigners. She has also
completed a number of certificates: Teaching the Working Adult, Online,
Hybrid and Blended Education, among other self-study courses. During
her more than 20 years’ teaching experience, she has taught different courses,
programs and levels. This article
depicts her work experience.