miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

Speakers at the Annual Latin American Language Teaching Congress

                                                                                                    By Zarela Cruz

We are pleased to introduce our guest speakers to you all: Lindsay Clandfield, Tracey Sinclair, Dennys Montaño and Maria de la Lama.
We are looking forward to this annual event, which in turn, is carefully planned to provide a space for exchanging new approaches, sharing insights and achieving our main goal: reflect on our own teaching practice to be the very best teacher we are capable of.

For more information, visis us on http://congresoidomas.pe/

Zarela Cruz graduated from Ricardo Palma University as a translator.  She also finished her master’s studies in Linguistics and took some specialization diplomas in English and Spanish. She has also completed a number of online certificates:  Teaching the Working Adult, Online, Hybrid and Blended Education, among other self-study courses. She has taught different courses, programs and levels and has been a teacher trainer, a lecturer and online instructor. This article aims to encourage English teachers to attend this event since it is a space to reflect on our teaching practice.